This was 13 years, 3 months, 11 days ago

the morgan library can initially be seen as being divided into two parts: a series of tight programmatic cores, connected together with one circulatory courtyard. this analysis is helpful, but limiting in that it assumes a continuity of access and a homogeneity of the viewing public. who is this public? how does it wish to operate?

what is more interesting is an analysis that takes into account the heterogeneity of the library’s users, and tries to examine the building in relation to the multiplicity of abilities, visibilities, and desires. a building is a partitioning machine that pinches off a physical volume from the outside world and declares it as an inside. separate from this physical volume, the building's areas are divided into perceived spaces, or 'psychic spaces'. each kind of public, due to its own desires and wants, conceives of these different psychic spaces, and decides to use these specific spaces, disregarding the rest. as such, this public's building is a combination of these psychic spaces.

there are many different publics, and as such many different conceptions of psychic spaces, and as such many combination of psychic spaces, and as such a vast multiplicity of psychic buildings within a single physical building.

the number of the psychic buildings which an architecture embodies within it effectively alters its perception. a library with twenty small rooms suddenly becomes a million different libraries, all slightly different from each other. this is not an examination of a space based on a body-oriented phenomenological introspection, but rather an analysis of specific static factors of the building that lead to this fragmentation.

the inability to exactly share the same experience of a building that arises from this fragmentation is a specific attribute that needs to be examined within buildings. this is perhaps a typology of psychic multiplicities. the 'usage of a building' can be seen as the processing of a building through the machine of the person's desires, that then creates a new building. a usage-machine takes another building-machine as input, and spits out a new machine -- a psychic-building-machine. a typology of psychic multiplicities takes into account these psychic-building-machines, and spreads them across the table like a deck of cards, so that each architecture can be seen in light of this new typology. in an analysis of the morgan library, the questions should also be: who is this public? how many publics are there? and what architectures are they making when they step into this building?