This was 18 years, 7 months, 7 days ago

ten things that make me happy?

tagged by clara. (I am indeed awake and alive.)

1) the right music at the right time.
2) a nice new york night with breezes, leaves, and leftover rain.
3) when she's happy.
4) when you're happy.
5) when I decide to hold my camera and it feels right, like an extension of my hands; when I take a photograph and know instantly afterwards that I was right and it was meant to be so, meant, so and so. when I hear the metallic shutter sound bite off a piece of the world. when I wind the roll of film and it feels tight and compact and undiluted and full and so compressed to the core.
6) meeting old friends again and knowing that clarissa is right about the strings and the wind and her oxford street, my avenues.
7) knowing that my home is wherever I am at the moment.
8) when I know enough and feel apart enough from other moments to know that I do have the ability to be happy.
9) the prospect of going somewhere new. the idea of baring myself and letting the world in to weaken my knees and to shake my curved horizon. bloodletting, but the other way around.
10) when I find faith, in small increments, in people.

for you all.