This was 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago

Ulher/Nakatani duo; Rothbaum/Eubanks duo; David Kendall solo
Thurs, Sept 27, 7:30pm, $6
"Based in Hamburg and active as an improviser across Europe, Trumpet player Birgit Ulher joins with Japanese expat percussionist Tatsuya Nakatani for a set of acoustic improvisations. Tatsuya and Birgit both travel widely in search of new playing situations and collaborators and this will be their first time playing together after crossing paths for many years in the US and Europe. David Rothbaum, based in Los Angeles, operates the Experimental Musical Research record label which focuses on music he likes, most of it from LA, and much of it of an experimental and electronic order. He plays a Modular Synth and, in this first visit as a performer to the East Coast, he will be collaborating, yet again, with Brooklyn-based Bryan Eubanks, for a dense and patient study of the room using hi-tech and lo-tech electronics. David Kendall , also based in Los Angeles, is an extremely active electronic improviser, composer, and sound artist working with Supercollider and hardware interfaces who will be presenting the current mutating condition of his solo music."

Sept 27 - Nov 10, 2007
Opening Thurs, Sept 27, 6pm
8PM VJ Performance by Caspar Stracke, Benton-C Bainbridge, and Angie Eng.
"Interference is the second of three exhibitions celebrating 10 years of Eyebeam support for artists experimenting with new technologies. Employing a diverse array of media and strategies, which includes data visualization, performance, community engagement and public intervention, the artists and collectives featured in Interference probe ideas of access and autonomy.
From the very public, but deliberately obscured, satellite surveillance data recorded in Paglen and IAA’s work tracking CIA aircraft, to the intimacy of Magid’s collaboration with a local NYC police officer; from Forays’ engagement with local community gardeners, to GRL, Gómez de Llarena and Gitman’s tools for communication, the projects in Interference ask us to seriously consider concepts of communal space in an increasingly privatized public sphere."

NY Art Book Fair
Fri/Sat/Sun, Sept 28/29/30, Fri/Sat: 11am - 7pm, Sun: 11am-5pm
548 West 22nd Street
"The annual fair of contemporary art books, art catalogues, artists' books, art periodicals, and 'zines offered for sale by over 120 international publishers, booksellers, and antiquarian dealers."

Tranzducer 009
Sept 28, 2007, 8pm - 11pm
Hans Tammen brings us solo work for prepared guitar, Garth Stevenson’s project Zarth coaxes soul from an electrified rhythm section and Jeff Thompson brings us selections from his Media Ecology Project.

DAC - Art Under the Bridge Festival
Sept 28 - 30, 2007
"DUMBO, Brooklyn: NY August 29, 2007 - The 11th Annual Art Under the Bridge Festival takes place from September 28-30, 2007, in Dumbo, Brooklyn, New York. Dumbo Arts Center, the Festival's producer is anticipating over 150,000 visitors again this year. Sixty new art works will be scattered throughout the neighborhood, while 158 private studios will open to the public and exhibitions will run in sixteen different venues.

The event is the single largest urban forum for experimental art in the United States that transforms the distinctive waterfront neighborhood into a multi-sensory public art arena. "


Daniel Rozin
Until Oct 6, 2007, Tu-Sat, 11am-6pm
Bitforms, 529 w20th st
"Daniel Rozin creates interactive installations and sculptures that have the unique ability to change and respond to the presence of a viewer. Although computers are often used, they are seldom visible. Mirrors and mediated perception of the self are central themes in Rozin's recent work. In most of his pieces the viewer takes part, actively and creatively, in the performance of his art. "

Jeff Shore and Jon Fisher: Reel to Reel
Until Oct 6, 2007, Tu-Sat 11am-6pm
Clementine Gallery, 623 w27th st
"For Reel to Reel, Shore and Fisher have constructed a network of wall-based, sculptural electro-mechanical installations, each containing an automated video set or electro acoustic instrument. The result is a mesmerizing environment of electro-kinetic sculptural work and interactive sound elements that thrusts the viewer into a complex, multi-sensory experience. Disconcerting, poetic, and deeply surreal, Reel to Reel advances the dialogue between image, motion, light, and sound to examine the interaction between society and technology in a media-saturated culture."

Eddo Stern, "New Works"
Until Oct 13, 2007, Tu-Sat, 11am-6pm
Postmasters Gallery, 459 w19th st
"His new works - kinetic shadow sculptures and 3D computer animation videos - use a mash-up of documentary material from online forums, clip art, YouTube videos, midi music, electronics, and hand made puppets. They mine the online gaming world at its paradoxical extremes: on one hand, an untenable perversity of life spent slaying an endless stream of virtual monsters, on the other, an ultimate mirroring of the most familiar social dynamics. The struggles with masculinity, honor, aggression, faith, love and self worth are embroiled with the gameworld's vernacular aesthetics."

Mike Nelson, A Psychic Vacuum
Until Oct 27
Creative Time, Essex St Market, 117 Delancey St
" British artist and '07 Turner Prize nominee Mike Nelson takes us deep into a world that is no longer there, but whose relics litter the maze of rooms and passageways making up the former Essex Street Market. As visitors navigate this urban ghost town, they meet with eerie degeneracy, religious iconography, and remnants of an old tattoo parlor and Chinese restaurant. Each visitor creates a unique narrative by piecing together storylines prompted by the next doorway. Inspired by Stanislaw Lem's book of fictional reviews of non-existent books, A Perfect Vacuum, this sculptural landscape evokes a feeling of stumbling upon the true criminal face of the city; you may find yourself simultaneously eager and reluctant to leave. " -Flavorpill